Salve Samples out of Stock!
Due to an unexpectedly high volume of sales this past week, I ran out of sample jars! They were already on order when I ran out, and should be in next week. There's a few orders on hold because of this, and I've already contacted those people directly. I think I'll have maybe ONE more pot of Winter Salve, but I'll have to see how full that little jar is. It'll be interesting to see who snags the last one. On Vacation May 27 - June 3rd!
It's planting and gardening season! I'm taking off from my "real" job and my manager *cough*husband*cough* has told me I should take off from my second job as well, find a little zen and get fired back up. While I'm away I'll be harvesting fresh catmint and catnip for the store, working on a new product, and (when my manager isn't looking) trying to catch up on some custom items. I'll be drawing the winner for Juniper's Gratitude Sticks on the 26ths, so the winner will have time to check out. There's still time to donate to enter!Upcoming New Product!
When I come back I'll have a new product for everyone! I'm very, very excited to share it with you, and it's been in development for awhile. I'll preemptively break your hearts and say that no, it isn't a Panacea Shampoo & Conditioner. I'm not sure I'll be able to do that one until the NightBlooming Store is my full-time job. But I promise, it'll be cool, and there will be samples!
Enjoy your time off!!