Tuesday, September 13, 2016

15000 sales, 15% off!

Sometime while I was sleeping, NightBlooming broke 15,000 sales!  As a thank-you to all our amazing customers, please use the discount code "15000" at checkout through September 15th for great savings on your entire order.

That includes not only our new kits, the new Rehabilitating Damaged Hair Naturally ebook, September's Autumn Dewfall Oil Blend, but also every thing else in the store!

You can even apply the code to our Signature Oil Subscription Program for savings on top of savings!

Thank you all and please enjoy!


  1. I tried using the 15000 discount on 9/15 at about 6pm West Coast but it said it was no longer available.

  2. Go ahead and just leave me a note with your order that the code wasn't working and I'll refund the 15% :)
